Beta CodeUnicode EquivalentSymbolNameNotes



Left White Square Bracket

Right White Square Bracket

Definition: 1) interpolated text in some epigraphical usage, Bidez & Drachmann (1938) 16; 2) erased text in papyrological use (Leiden convention, see Bidez & Drachmann (1938) 16); 3) conjectural deletions in codices, Maas (1958) 22; 4) scribal deletion in Aeschylus (0085 008); 5) editorial deletions in Anonymus Londinensis (0643 001) and Scholia in Aristophanem (5014 005); 6) conjectural readings by the previous editor in Anna Comnena (2703 001); 7) restitution of a garbled reading in Sextus Julius Africanus (2956 002); 8) either a deletion in the papyri or an interpolation in the manuscripts in Scholia in Aristophanem (5014 008); 9) text absent in the major codices and restituted from elsewhere in Scholia in Aristophanem (5014 012); 10) text from a different archetype to the main text in Scholia in Hesiodum (5025 001); 11) a “logical” deletion of a word in the manuscript in Vitae et miracula Nicolai Myrensis (5067 002); 12) alternative text from a different manuscript in 3116 001 (SYMEON Neotheologus).

Status: allowed

Usage: in corpus