Beta CodeUnicode EquivalentSymbolNameNotes





Left Low Corner Bracket

Right Low Corner Bracket

Definition: 1) the text has been restored by comparison to the known text which is being quoted (Bidez & Drachmann (1938) 19). Papyrological; 2) hard to read text in Clemens Romanus et Clementina Theol. (1271 006); 3) text restored from alternative source in Didymus, (1312 003) and Scholia in Hesiodum (5025 001); 4) text missing from a major manuscript witness in Melito (1495 001), Epimerismi (5004 001) and Scholia in Lucianum (5029 001); 5) scholia in both scholastic witnesses in Eusebius (2018 019); 6) denote the extent of a particular manuscript reading in the text in Hesychius (4085 002); 7) indicate scribal interpolation in Scholia in Aristophanem (5014 005); 8) paraphrases of Proclus in Isaacius Comemnus (3321 003); 9) scholia that are in C only in Eusebius (2018 019)

Status: allowed

Usage: in corpus