How to register
Registration begins on Feb. 1 and ends on March 20, 2022.
Applications must be completed by March 20, 2022 to be considered. Please note that the dates for the examination and all policies are established by the Center for the Greek language (CGL) and are fixed. We cannot make any exceptions.
To register for the 2022 Examination please use the online system of the Center for the Greek Language
In addition to submitting your application online, you need to mail us a check payable to:
The Regents of the University of California for the appropriate amount (see Examination Fees below).
The check should be mailed to our office at:
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
220 University Tower
Irvine, CA
IMPORTANT: Your application is not complete until the Examination fees have been paid. Fees must be received within the registration period. Incomplete applications will be rejected. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Other Useful Documents:
Examinations Guide, Price list and order form for study materials (may be ordered directly from the Center for the Greek Language in Greece).
2022 Examination Fees

Choosing the appropriate level
To choose the appropriate level of examination, candidates may consult their instructor and the samples and all relevant material uploaded on the website of the CGL at:
For more information, see the website of the Center for the Greek Language:"
$ 100 for level A1 (children and adults)
$ 100 for level A 2
$ 110 for level B 1
$ 110 for level B 2
$ 120 for level Γ1
$ 120 for level Γ2