The Abridged TLG®

The Abridged version of the Online TLG® is open to the public without subscription.
It provides searching and browsing of a smaller selection of TLG® texts with all the features of the TLG® search engine. Visitors may browse and search the materials of this site, downloading, however, is not allowed.
Realizing that small undergraduate programs in Classics may not be able to subscribe to the full version of the TLG®, we have included in this subcorpus a representative selection of texts that will satisfy the needs of students and non-experts wishing to study Greek.
The Abridged TLG® provides access to authors such as Homer, Hesiod, Plato, Aristotle, the Greek tragedians and orators that have traditionally been used in college level instruction of Greek. In addition it includes a large number of patristic texts.
Access is free but users must create an account and login to the Abridged version.